Why Whatsapp Payment not showing?
As you all know WhatsApp has added a new feature WhatsApp payment. But if this feature is not showing in your WhatsApp then don't worry because this feature s not available to everyone yet. This feature works on invite system so if your WhatsApp feature is not showing then you just have to get an invite link from someone who has. Now where to find someone with WhatsApp payment? how to get WhatsApp payment? don't worry just continue reading this article I'll tell you.
How to get WhatsApp Payment Option?
As I've already told you, you have to get an invite from someone who has WhatsApp payment in order to get this latest feature of WhatsApp. But before that, you should update your WhatsApp to the latest version to avoid any type of problem. Whatsapp payment will work only on version above 2.18.46 so make sure your WhatsApp version meet these criteria. Now you just need to follow the next step and you'll get the WhatsApp invite.
How to get WhatsApp Payment link?
Now to get an invite just go to Latest Whatsapp payment invite link and click on the green button. When you do so I'll get a message to invite you, as soon as getting your message I'll invite you. Don't Worry if you do not get the link immediately I will invite you within a day or two as I am getting so many requests. hope you find this little article helpful, if you do don't forget to comment down your views.